Sign up for ADVENTURE!

How do you get yourself on this exciting adventure above the clouds? Here's how:

1. Contact your Buddy at our contact details below to know if there are still slots available:

                  Email: info[at]clubtravelnow[dot]org 
                  Celfone: 0906.005.7928 (Tristan) 

2. Once confirmed that there are still slots, pay the full tour rate via the ff. options:

1. BANK DEPOSIT Deposit your payment to our bank account. Please call/text (0906.005.7928) or email us ( to get the correct account details to deposit to.

Once done with your deposit, email deposit slip at
2. via PAYPAL Use the Paypal button to the right. Note that rates indicated there have a surcharge of 5% to cover Paypal transaction charges.

Send us an email once you have paid via Paypal so we can monitor your transaction.

NOTE: Please ensure you have read and understood our Refund/Cancellation Policy before making any payments. You may read it here.. 
3. Send us yours and your companions personal details for your insurance application, souvenir shirt,
and for emergency situations. Please provide us the info by answering this online form:
Online Registration Form

We'll email you shortly once you have submitted your registration.
In case we do not do so in 1-2 days, email us at
4. PRE-CLIMB ORIENTATION: We no longer hold in-person pre-climb meetings due to scheduling constraints. Instead, we just email everyone what is typically discussed in a pre-climb meeting a week prior to the scheduled climb. Tip: Most of what you need to know about the climb are already our checklist and reminders here.

Itinerary: Click here.
Tour Dates: Click here.

Got questions? Contact your Buddy:
Tristan Mirasol @ 0906.005.7928 
Email @ info[at]clubtravelnow[dot]org.